Within the next 20 years, millennials are set to inherit $90 trillion in assets from the Silent Generation and baby boomers to become the wealthiest generation ever. At the same time, America continues to add more new billionaires to its roster, with 56 new billionaires in 2020 for a total of 659. As of 2023, there are approximately 735 billionaires in the United States. This number might vary slightly depending on the source, with another count finding 927 billionaires in America. The total number of billionaires in the US has been growing rapidly in recent years.

The opportunity set for growing a wealth management practice has never been stronger!

Yet, in the increasingly competitive world of financial advisory services, the ability to effectively market one's expertise around financial planning and investments in a sea of sameness has become paramount for success. While financial advisors and wealth managers are known for their ability to provide expert guidance, many often lack the necessary training, knowledge and time in marketing their services and uniqueness to their target audience. In this comprehensive guide, we will delve into the intrinsic importance of financial advisor marketing, the multifaceted challenges associated with it, and explore a range of sophisticated strategies designed to empower advisors in overcoming these obstacles and achieving their business objectives.

The Significance of Financial Advisor Marketing and hiring a Financial Services Marketing Company:

Marketing has evolved into an essential tool that financial advisors must leverage to establish a strong business presence and successfully attract new clients. By implementing strategic marketing initiatives, advisors can enhance the perceived value of their practice and position themselves as the go-to experts in their field.

However, while many financial advisors and RIA’s may have heard of the words-of-the-day in marketing (ie. SEO, digital marketing, seminars, etc.) many lack a clear marketing strategy and plan that aligns well with who they want to serve and attract.

Some advisors may underestimate the importance of marketing or struggle to allocate sufficient time for it due to their multitude of other pressing responsibilities. Read our article about time management for financial advisors.

Some firms and practices have an in-house junior person handling their daily maintenance, hoping that just posting their quarterly outlook for the sake of it (ie. going through the motions) would attract new clients. Some have this task on the plate of the CEO. Some don’t do anything at all.

Yet, such oversight of a focused and dedicated approach can inadvertently hamper their potential for future growth in an increasingly competitive landscape.

Here are a few reasons why RIAs and financial services firms should put a much higher focus and emphasis on marketing if they want to benefit from the massive opportunity set ahead of them!

You don’t have a full elevator bank for marketing

As we’ve mentioned in previous posts, those who work at large wirehouses like Merrill Lynch and Goldman Sachs have the benefit of having an entire elevator bank (or at least floor) at times dedicated to marketing divisions. RIA’s are small businesses that can’t allocate that type of budget to marketing. In fact, many times they don’t allocate ANY budget to marketing!

To optimize their chances of success, financial advisors must recognize that marketing is not an extraneous addendum but an essential aspect of being a business owner and going out on their own. Operating a thriving financial advisory practice necessitates a comprehensive skill set that extends beyond financial expertise alone. The ability to apply marketing knowledge effectively and execute well-crafted strategies is vital for sustainable growth. Moreover, marketing itself plays an instrumental role in propelling business expansion, as many advisors aspire to reinvest their capital into marketing endeavors once they attain a degree of financial success.

Increase your company’s Goodwill and Enterprise Value

A thoughtfully structured and meticulously executed marketing operation holds the potential to exponentially enhance the value of a financial advisory practice, particularly for advisors who may seek to sell their businesses in the future. In the eyes of potential buyers, future growth potential is a key factor when assessing the value of a practice. Thus, a robust marketing framework that has been established early on can be instrumental in maximizing the sale value and facilitating a smooth transition. Ensuring a comprehensive marketing strategy is in place, regardless of the time horizon for an exit, is of utmost importance for advisors looking to maintain a competitive edge.

Navigating the Marketing Challenges:

Financial advisors face a myriad of challenges when implementing marketing strategies. A commonly encountered hurdle is the overwhelming nature of the demands associated with marketing, which often require a different skill set compared to the technical competence in financial advising. Advisors must invest time and effort in cultivating their marketing knowledge and honing their strategic capabilities to overcome this challenge effectively.

Another prevalent challenge lies in translating broad overarching practice goals into actionable marketing strategies. While financial advisors may aspire to grow their assets under management (AUM) or attract more clients, they often struggle with discerning the most effective marketing tactics to achieve these objectives. Seeking education and insights from industry experts or professional marketers can provide advisors with valuable guidance in forming effective strategies and overcoming this challenge.

Conversely, advisors may become fixated on specific marketing tactics without fully considering their alignment with their broader business goals. An essential prerequisite for success is the creation of a comprehensive business and marketing plan that outlines clear steps and measurable metrics for evaluating success. By leveraging their natural planning skills, advisors can better ensure the proper execution of their marketing activities and, ultimately, attain their desired outcomes.

Overcoming the Time Constraint Challenge:

Finding the necessary time to dedicate to marketing efforts can pose a substantial obstacle for financial advisors who are already juggling a multitude of responsibilities. Efficient task management coupled with effective delegation and strategic outsourcing can prove invaluable in alleviating the time constraints associated with marketing. By delegating certain marketing responsibilities or seeking expert assistance when necessary, advisors can focus on the core client-centered activities that demand their personal attention, while still ensuring the success of their marketing endeavors.

The Importance of Follow-Up and Follow-Through:

A common pitfall for financial advisors engaging in marketing is failing to execute proper follow-up and follow-through actions after implementing marketing activities. A comprehensive marketing plan should encompass clear guidelines for engaging with leads and prospects, as well as for tracking and measuring outcomes. Tracking metrics such as AUM growth, the number of new clients acquired, and website traffic can provide advisors with invaluable insights into the effectiveness of their marketing efforts, allowing for adjustments as needed and enhancing overall success.

The Framework for a Successful Financial Advisor Marketing Plan:

Developing a successful marketing plan requires a holistic approach that integrates business objectives alongside marketing strategies. With that in mind, here are essential elements to include in a robust financial advisor marketing plan:

Vision: Begin by defining a clear and compelling vision for the practice. This may involve setting specific financial goals or aiming for certain levels of professional recognition within a defined timeframe.

Objectives and Goals: Break down the overarching vision into specific and measurable objectives. These can include acquiring a targeted number of new clients, increasing AUM by a set percentage, or developing expertise in a particular niche.

Lead Generation Activities: Identify the marketing activities that are most likely to generate leads and nurture relationships with potential clients. Such activities may include hosting educational webinars, collecting email addresses for newsletter subscriptions, or producing high-quality educational content.

Reviews and Assessments: Schedule regular reviews and assessments of the marketing plan's effectiveness. Analyze key metrics, such as event attendance rates, conversion rates of leads into clients, and overall client satisfaction, to gain valuable insights for optimizing strategies.

Defined Metrics of Success: Establish specific metrics that will act as indicators of successful marketing efforts. These metrics can include AUM growth, the number of new clients acquired, social media engagement, or website traffic. Regularly track these metrics to gauge progress, identify areas for improvement, and make data-driven decisions.

As an Example: Deploying Family Events for Client Acquisition:

To exemplify the impact of a well-executed marketing plan, consider the case of a financial advisor with the vision of growing AUM by focusing on generational wealth. To achieve this objective, the advisor decides to host engaging family events to foster connectivity and trust among different members of their clients' families. Quarterly gatherings or seasonal activities can provide a casual atmosphere conducive to connection-building and networking, particularly with younger members of the client families. Regularly reviewing the success of these events through metrics such as attendee numbers and subsequent client acquisitions will enable the advisor to fine-tune their marketing strategies continuously.

Financial advisor marketing plays an indispensable role in establishing and sustaining a thriving practice in today's highly competitive landscape. While financial advisors face numerous challenges, such as time constraints and a potential knowledge gap in marketing, with careful planning and the implementation of well-crafted strategies, these obstacles can be overcome. By leveraging effective marketing techniques, financial advisors can successfully attract new clients, foster business growth, and ultimately enhance the overall value of their practice.

Schedule a call with us today to learn about our various growth, marketing and sales solutions for RIAs, Financial Advisors and Financial Services Firms

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