Top 5 strategies to boost remote sales for financial and legal advisors

Top 5 strategies to boost remote sales for financial and legal advisors

Working from Home is here to stay (at least for a while), and waiting til it is over with to get back on track with your marketing may be detrimental to you and your team’s growth. In this article, we discuss five ways to arm your team around sales…all while working remotely.

How advisors can use Linkedin as a marketing tool for their business

How advisors can use Linkedin as a marketing tool for their business

Do you have questions such as: What is the easiest way of marketing on LinkedIn? How can I get more followers on Linkedin? What is the difference between followers and connections on Linkedin? How can I use Linkedin’s premium services to grow my practice? If so, this video will be a great starting point for you to get answers to some of those questions!

Amy in Barron's: Reinventing Marketing for the Pandemic Era

Amy in Barron's: Reinventing Marketing for the Pandemic Era

Pre-pandemic, many advisors shied away from the concept of digital marketing, relying primarily on social events and in-person networking to connect with potential clients. In a socially distanced Zoom culture, a lot needs to change for a practice to grow. Yet the opportunities are endless!

How to stay on top of mind with your prospects when people can't meet in person!

How to stay on top of mind with your prospects when people can't meet in person!

One of the top questions we get asked from our financial, legal and tax clients these days is: How do I stay relevant and on top of mind with my prospects and clients when I can’t physically see many of them? We’ve created a video to share a few strategies!

Five Things You MUST Do Daily on Linkedin

Five Things You MUST Do Daily on Linkedin

I’ve included in this video and its transcript the 5 most important things you should be doing DAILY on Linkedin to get from it what you’re doing on there! Whatever is your goal (new job? new clients? new business venture?), you can maximize its benefits for you by following my strategies outlined!