The significance of social media marketing for financial advisors

If you are a financial advisor or RIA, you may be seeking to improve your social media game and get more eyeballs on your brand, story, and value offering.

Here are a few strategies to get you started with a powerful marketing strategy for your social media:

1) Define WHO you are targeting

To maximize the impact of social media, it is important to target efforts towards specific individuals rather than trying to reach a broad range of people. This involves several strategies, including defining a precise niche for the business and identifying what sets it apart, researching the market to uncover unmet needs and opportunities, considering the psychological and lifestyle traits of the target audience, creating a detailed customer persona, and empathizing with the audience to understand their values and needs. By taking this comprehensive approach, financial advisors can more effectively engage with their desired audience and increase their chances of success.

2) Choose your ideal platform

Don’t be MARRIED to one platform or the same one that originally got your “famous.”

Just like financial advisors, social media companies too are in constant competition, rewarding their content creators for good material.
Test out which platform hosts most of your ideal clients, and get busy there!

Here’s a breakdown:

1) Linkedin: Serious content, best for B to B networking

2) Instagram: Best for family content and gauging your target in a more “fun” way

3) TikTok: Best for capturing the attention of GenZ and the next generation

4) X: Best for capturing the attention of those interested in trends, stocks, investment ideas, politics, etc.

5) Facebook: Select Advisors is currently not a big promoter of Facebook marketing, even though we know it works for many advisors.

Should you advertise or sponsor on social media as a financial advisor or wealth management firm?

Select Advisors has, and always will be, a big fan of Organic (non paid) marketing. To learn more about this, please visit this page.

What type of content should you write and post?

We recently wrote an article about this called “Why you’re not getting any clients on Linkedin.”

You can find it here

Best Linkedin Background banner and profile picture for financial firms

If you’d like to see a sample of the best look and feel that works for a good Linkedin profile, please visit Amy Parvaneh’s, who is a Top Voice on Linkedin.

Wanting to maximize your social media game as a financial advisor? Please reach out!