Fix your website to be ADA-Compliant

Ensuring ADA Compliance for Financial and Accounting Firms

In the digital age, websites serve as crucial channels for businesses to connect with their audience. For financial and accounting firms, ensuring website accessibility is not only a matter of convenience but a legal requirement, especially considering that over 25% of adults in the U.S. live with a disability.

Recent reports, such as the one from The Wall Street Journal, have highlighted a concerning trend where only a mere 1% of the most popular financial and banking websites meet the necessary accessibility standards. Non-compliance not only risks alienating a significant portion of the audience but also exposes businesses to costly lawsuits.

Key Elements of ADA Compliance

  1. Conduct Automated and User Testing: Thorough automated and user testing is essential for achieving ADA compliance. While automated tools provide an overview, user testing offers valuable insights. Collaboration with diverse user groups can ensure comprehensive testing of a website's accessibility features.

  2. Design with Accessibility in Mind: Simple fonts, clear navigation, and proper color contrast are crucial for an ADA-compliant website. Choosing suitable font styles, organizing content effectively, and ensuring intuitive navigation enhance user-friendliness for individuals with disabilities.

  3. Incorporate Multimedia Descriptions: Descriptions and captions for audio and video elements are essential for users with visual or cognitive impairments. Providing alternative text, captions, and audio descriptions improves the accessibility of multimedia content for all users.

In this context, organizations like Select Advisors Institute offer expertise and support to help financial and accounting firms navigate ADA compliance challenges effectively. Through their experience in website design and coding, they assist firms in proactively addressing accessibility guidelines, creating an inclusive online environment for all users.

If you're seeking expert guidance to ensure ADA compliance for your financial or accounting firm, consulting with Select Advisors Institute could be a valuable step in enhancing your digital presence while meeting legal requirements.